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Record : Record the Screen : Select an Area to Record

Select an Area to Record
The first step in setting up your recording is to select an area to record. Camtasia Recorder automatically selects the last recorded area by default.
Record the Full Screen
Select Full Screen to record large applications or all activity on your computer desktop.
Click the Full Screen button.
Record with Custom Dimensions
Select Custom dimensions to record a specific size requirement. You can record a window, application, or an area on the screen.
Click the Custom button. The custom options expand.
Enter custom dimensions (in pixels) into the Width and Height fields. To maintain the aspect ratio, click the lock icon.
Click the Select button to open the selection tool. To select a region, click and drag with the mouse. To select a window, move your cursor over the desired window and click the left-mouse button when a green border appears around the window.
See also:

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